Opportunities from 3 years old through high school
Age 3 - high school
Youth groups meet monthly (Journey group twice a month)....
Pre-school through kindergarten - Cherubs
First through Second Grade - God's Little Buddies
Third through Fifth Grade - Good News Friends
Sixth to Eighth Grade - Exodus Express
Ninth to Twelfth Grade - Journey Group

Ages 3 - 2nd grade
Children are invited to share the joy of Christ through our handbell and vocal choirs.
The bell choir plays about once per month and all children who know their colors are invited to participate with our color coded handbells.
The children's choir practices the first Sunday of each month during the 10:30 service and sings 3 or 4 times per year.
8th graders
The Confirmation Program (for teenagers in 8th grade or above) is led by Pastors Jay Groat and Sigrid Rother and Director of Youth Ministry Susan Langner. Meetings are 9:30 to 10:20 Sunday morning from October to May and the class members learn more about their Christian faith to help them decide if they will confirm this as their own faith and become members of Westerville Community United Church of Christ. Additional gatherings and projects (with adult mentors) also take place at other times during the year.

Ages 3 - 6th grade
Children are invited to share the joy of Christ through our handbell and vocal choirs.
The bell choir plays about once per month and all children who know their colors are invited to participate with our color coded handbells.
Our Cherub Choir (age 3 - kindergarten) practices three Wednesdays a month at 6:30 pm and sings during worship once per month.
The Let It Shine choir (grades 1 - 6) rehearses three Wednesdays a month at 6:30 pm and sings during worship once per month.
8th graders
The Confirmation Program (for teenagers in 8th grade or above) is led by Pastors Susan Langner and Sigrid Rother. The class members learn more about their Christian faith to help them decide if they will confirm this as their own faith and become members of Westerville Community United Church of Christ. Additional gatherings and projects (with adult mentors) also take place at other times during the year.

All Ages
Our annual Christmas Pageant is a non-traditional, intergenerational show that shares the love and true meaning of Christmas. Click here to watch our 2024 production of A Super Christmas.

4 years - 8th grade
WCUCC's summer Bible adventure is a week of fun and learning. Our 2025 Vacation Bible Adventure will be from 6:00 - 8:00 pm June 16-19.